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Top Aesthetic Journal Articles of 2023: Evolving Techniques & Technology Drive Innovation

By The Aesthetic GUIDE posted Aug 10, 2023 08:33 PM


Constantly evolving medical and information technology drive innovation, but beyond the hype of the new and shiny, there is value in firming up – and learning more about – the bedrock upon which the aesthetic industry rests. New information about, or novel uses for, things we are already relying on every day continue to inform and reshape our vision of the now, and the future.


While injectable neurotoxin is not new, its huge impact on the field of aesthetic medicine continues to this day. Despite the presence of a few strong, tried-and-true offerings dominating the market, new ones continue to appear. PrabotulinumtoxinA is a relatively new iteration and, in the interests of establishing firmer ground for established off-label uses, a recent study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology provides concrete evidence of how neurotoxin can be used in elderly patients successfully.

Sue Ellen Cox, MD is a dermatologist and medical director of aesthetic solutions at her clinical and research practice in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is also adjunct associate professor at the UNC School of Medicine, as well as consulting associate professor at Duke University Medical Center (Durham, N.C.). “The widely held belief is that you cannot use toxins in people who are over 65 years old and expect good results,” she began. “This mythology stems from phase III clinical trial data early in the study of toxins because companies eliminated patients older than 65 in their registration trials, which are the bedrock the community relies on for basic guidance. But the fact is that while many physicians shy away from treating the older population without that rubber stamp approval, many regularly inject neurotoxin for patients 65 years and older, and there is a reason – because it works for many. More importantly, it has been shown to be safe.

“In this study,” Dr. Cox continued, “we performed a post hoc analysis as part of our placebo-controlled Phase III clinical trials for prabotulinumtoxinA precisely because we did not limit the age range to under 65. We simply extracted additional data from the studies and evaluated it.”

This is a sample article from The Aesthetic Guide.
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